Hey folks,
Replacing the radiator on the '81. The original was recored 15 years ago and finally developed a pin hole. I'm sure it's a matter of time before I get a catastrophic failure so I'd rather replace than fix.
I have never had an issue with overheating with the OE recored radiator. Any suggestions for a reasonably priced radiator? I see Ecklers offers an a 3 row aluminum for about $230, 4 row for $280. Anyone have any success with either?
No experience with either of those. I put a Dewitt’s in mine. Pricey, yes. But it stays at temperature no matter what.
Thanks for the response. I don't think I need to invest 2-3x's the cost of those over other replacement options. Like I mentioned I've never had an issue with overheating with mine and I live in Arizona. But I don't drive it when it's 115 out either...no a/c.
I put a DeWitt in my 1976 and it was very nice. Fit and lined up all tranny fittings just like the original. It wasn't fun to change out but I got it done!
Good luck,
I see Ecklers offers an a 3 row aluminum for about $230, 4 row for $280. Anyone have any success with either?
Make sure they have it in stock if that's where you want to go. Long wait times for products seems to be the norm with them.
Like I said earlier.....I put a DeWitts from ZIP in and it's running right where it's supposed to.....even with the high 90's and sitting in traffic. It was a PITA to put into my '76 but it's all fun when it's done! ZIP had it in stock and shipped right away. The special DeWitts coolant (made for aluminum radiators) was hard to get from ZIP and DeWitt but I got 'er done!
Good Luck,