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Below is a snapshot of the list as of 9/14/2023
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(You can always access this list from the "Forums" menu).
-Adam Wartell
NCM Lifetime Member #1222
Founder: C3 Vette Registry
C4 Vette Registry, C6 Vette Registry
My first Vette, now owned by JB79:
Interesting numbers for all time activity. A bunch of folks on the list haven't been active on the site for quite some time so wonder what the list would look like if a time frame of, say the last 12 or 24 months of activity, was put into the mix. The detail needed for that calculation may not be available tho'.
Interesting numbers for all time activity. A bunch of folks on the list haven't been active on the site for quite some time so wonder what the list would look like if a time frame of, say the last 12 or 24 months of activity, was put into the mix. The detail needed for that calculation may not be available tho'.
Ask and ye shall receive!
Try it again now!
-Adam Wartell
NCM Lifetime Member #1222
Founder: C3 Vette Registry
C4 Vette Registry, C6 Vette Registry
My first Vette, now owned by JB79:
Hello Mr Jim, The one year average puts a very different slant on things. Much better for active members!
Much better. Top 5 baby!😎
Much better. Top 5 baby!😎
You can pretty much ignore me on the list. Most of my posts are welcoming new members, news, etc. You and everyone else provide the good stuff!
-Adam Wartell
NCM Lifetime Member #1222
Founder: C3 Vette Registry
C4 Vette Registry, C6 Vette Registry
My first Vette, now owned by JB79:
I'm all over the place....just like real life... 🤣
Joel Adams
C3VR Lifetime Member #56
My Link
(click for Texas-sized view!) NCRS
"Money can't buy happiness -- but somehow it's more comforting to cry in a CORVETTE than in a Kia"
Ask and ye shall receive!
Try it again now!
Ok... how about adding the date of each individuals last visit?
Now you're just getting greedy!
I'll see what I can do.
You can always click on the member's name to see their last visit and other details, though.
-Adam Wartell
NCM Lifetime Member #1222
Founder: C3 Vette Registry
C4 Vette Registry, C6 Vette Registry
My first Vette, now owned by JB79:
You can always click on the member's name to see their last visit and other details, though.
I knew that. Just thought since other dates were presented on the list it would be nice to see that one as well. No worries if it isn't easy to do.